NC State University Libraries Guide to Census Data Resources - Provides links to online and other electronic data sources.
US Census Bureau PDF publications


Questionnaire, instructions, etc.
* Questionnaire description and Instructions to Enumerators - from Measuring America (Sept. 2002)
* Excerpts from Enumerator's Reference Manual - from 1960 Census of Population, v.1, pt. 1 (C3.223/9:1960/v. 1/pt. 1)


Census of Population: 1960, vol. 1, Characteristics of the Population, Part A, Number of Inhabitants
U.S. Documents C3.223/10:1960/v. 1/pt. A
* GEOGRAPHIES:   Regions, Divisions, States, Territories, Urbanized areas, Counties, Minor civil divisions, Census county divisions, Places, Standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSAs), State economic areas, Tracts
* CONTENTS:   Contains 41 tables for national level data:
  -   Population at various geographies
  -   Ranks at various geographies
  -   Rates of population increase
* Contains 12 tables for each State and Territory on:
  -   Population, 1870 to 1960, for State, urban/rural
  -   Population, 1900 to 1960, for Groups of places by size
  -   Population, 1960, for places by size
  -   Population, earliest to 1960, for Incorporated places 10,000+
  -   Area and population, 1950 and 1960, for Counties, urban/rural
  -   Population, 1960, for Counties by Census county division
  -   Population, 1940 to 1960, Places 1,000+, incorporated and unincorporated
  -   Population, 1960, of areas annexed 1940-1960
  -   Population, 1950 and 1960, Urbanized areas
  -   Population, 1950 and 1960, SMSAs
  -   Population, 1960, of State and SMSAs by type of residence


Census of Population: 1960, vol. 1, Characteristics of the Population, Parts 1 - 54/57, in 54 vols.
U.S. Documents C3.223/9:1960/pt. -
* Consists of one volume containing national summary data, and one volume per state plus one for Outlying areas: Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Canal Zone
* Each volume is arranged in four sections: Number of inhabitants, General population characteristics, General social and economic characteristics, Detailed characteristics
* Table Finding Guide - U.S. Summary
* Table Finding Guide - States
* Presents data for each state or outlying area in 146 tables on:
  -   Color or Race
  -   Age
  -   Nativity or parentage, Place of birth, Country of origin of foreign born, Mother tongue of foreign born
  -   Residence in 1955, Year moved to present home
  -   School enrollment, Years of school completed
  -   Veterans
  -   Marital status, Married couples, Presence of spouse, Married more than once
  -   Household relationship, Group quarters
  -   Families; Primary, Secondary and Subfamilies
  -   Unrelated individuals, Primary individuals
  -   Fertility
  -   Employment status, Labor force status, Hours worked, Weeks worked in 1959, Year last worked
  -   Occupation, Industry, Class of worker
  -   Place of work, Transportation to work
  -   1959 Income of persons, families, unrelated individuals
  -   1959 Earnings of persons


Census of Population: 1960, vol. 2, Special Reports, in 30 vols.
U.S. Documents C3.223/10:1960/v. 2/pts. -
* Comprised of Series PC(2) reports:
  -   Nativity and parentage, Persons of Spanish Surname, Nonwhite population by race, Puerto Ricans in the U.S., Mother tongue
  -   State of birth, Mobility for States and State economic areas, Mobility for Metropolitan areas, Lifetime and recent migration
  -   Women by number of children ever born, Childspacing
  -   Families, Persons by family characteristics, Sources and structure of family income, Age at first marriage, Marital status
  -   School enrollment, Educational Attainment, Characteristics of Socioeconomic groups
  -   Employment Status and work experience, Journey to work, Labor reserve
  -   Occupational characteristics, Occupation by earnings and education, Occupation by industry, Characteristics of Teachers, Characteristics of Professional Workers
  -   Inmates of institutions, Income of the elderly population, Veterans


Census of Population: 1960, vol. 3, Selected Area Reports, in 5 vols.
U.S. Documents C3.223/10:1960/v. 3/pts. -
* Comprised of Series PC(3) reports:
  -   State economic areas
  -   Size of place
  -   Americans overseas
  -   Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas
  -   Type of place


Census of Population and Housing: 1960, Census Tracts, in 180 reports
U.S. Documents C3.223/11:1960/pt. -
* Contains population and housing data for tracted cities
* Subject coverage is that described above for Population (vol. 1, pt. 1) and below for Housing (vol. 1)
* Tract maps are in pockets at the end of each report.


Census of Housing: 1960, vol. 1, States and Small Areas, in 9 vols.
U.S. Documents C3.224/9:1960/v. 1/pts. -
* Pt. 1 contains data for the United States, Regions, Divisions, States, SMSAs, Urban/Rural, Places 100,000+, Places 50,000+
* Table Finding Guide - U.S. Summary
* Pts. 2-9 present data for States and for Puerto Rico, Guam, and Virgin Islands
* Table Finding Guide - States and Small Areas
* State data is given in a series of 39 tables covering:
  -   Inventory
  -   Occupancy characteristics
  -   Structural characteristics
  -   Condition and plumbing facilities
  -   Equipment and fuel
  -   Financial characteristics


Census of Housing: 1960, vol. 2, Metropolitan Housing, in 7 vols.
U.S. Documents C3.224/9:1960/v. 2/pts. -
* Pt. 1 contains data for the United States and Divisions in 14 tables on:
  -   Value of owner-occupied units
  -   Gross rent of renter-occupied units
  -   1959 Income of families and renters
  -   Condition and plumbing facilities
  -   Number of rooms
  -   Units in structure
  -   Household composition
  -   Occupied units lacking specified facilities
  -   Duration of vacancy
  -   Rent asked for vacant units
  -   Value of owner-occupied units with nonwhite household heads
  -   Gross rent for units with nonwhite household heads
  -   1959 Income of families and renters, nonwhite household heads
  -   Condition and plumbing facilities in units with nonwhite household heads
* Pts. 2-7 present data for SMSAs and Places 100,000+
* Table Finding Guide - Metropolitan Housing
* SMSA data is given in a series of 10 tables
* Tables with nonwhite family data, reported for the nation and divisions, are not given for SMSAs


Census of Housing: 1960, vol. 3, City Blocks, in 421 reports
U.S. Documents C3.224/5:1960/pts. -
* Covers cities with 50,000+ population, and some smaller localities which arranged for compilation of block statistics
* Data is in two tables for each place:
  -   Housing unit characteristics for the city
  -   Housing unit characteristics by blocks
* Data is reported on
  -   Condition and plumbing
  -   Tenure
  -   Color: white/black
  -   Persons per room
  -   Average number of rooms
  -   Value or Rent
* At NCSU, several reports were bound together in hardback volumes, with block maps grouped in a pocket at the back of each volume


Census of Housing: 1960, vol. 4, Components of Inventory Change, 1950-1959, in 46 reports
U.S. Documents C3.224/6:1960/v. 4/pts. -
* Pt. 1A (in 18 reports), 1950-1959 Components
  -   Has a U.S. summary and reports for 17 SMSAs
* Pt. 1B (in 18 reports), 1957-1959 Inventory Characteristics
  -   Has a U.S. summary and reports for 17 SMSAs
* Pt. 2 (in 10 reports), 1957-1959 Components
  -   Has a U.S. summary and reports for 9 SMSAs


Census of Housing: 1960, vol. 5, Residential Finance, in 2 vols.
U.S. Documents C3.224/7:1960/v. 5/pts. -
* Pt. 1, Homeowner Properties, has 8 tables on:
  -   Mortgaged and nonmortgaged properties
  -   Owners
  -   Mortgages for U.S., regions, and selected metropolitan areas
* Pt. 2, Rental and Vacant Properties, has 5 tables on:
  -   Mortgage status and holder
  -   Government insurance status
  -   Mortgage debt


Census of Housing: 1960, vol. 6, Rural Housing
U.S. Documents C3.224/9:1960/v. 6
* Contains housing data for 121 economic subregions of the U.S., for rural-farm and rural-nonfarm housing units


Census of Housing: 1960, vol. 7, Housing of Senior Citizens
U.S. Documents C3.224/9:1960/v. 7
* Describes housing occupied by persons 60+ for U.S., States, and SMSAs


From the 1870 Census forward, the number of published volumes grew each decade.   A comprehensive list of all these volumes is beyond the scope of this guide that focuses on the volumes addressing population and housing topics.