NC State University Libraries Guide to Census Data Resources - Provides links to online and other electronic data sources.
US Census Bureau PDF publications


Questionnaire, instructions, and table headers
* Questionnaire description and Instructions to Enumerators - from Measuring America (Sept. 2002)


Statistics of the Population of the United States
Census Bureau PDF file
U.S. Documents C3.14:880/1 (reclassed from I11.5:1)
* GEOGRAPHIES:   Nation, States, Territories, Counties, Civil Divisions less than counties
* CONTENTS:   Presents 36 tables on various topics:
  -   Population, 1860-1880, for States and Territories for White, Colored, Japanese, Chinese, and Civilized Indian
  -   Population by County for the same groups and years
  -   Population for Cities and towns over 4000 population for White and Colored (1870-1880), and Native and Foreign (1870-1880)
  -   Nativity at various geographies
  -   Sex and Nativity, aggregate
  -   Population by Ages, Special and Select
  -   Areas, Dwellings, and Families
  -   Foreign Parentage
  -   Population of Alaska
  -   Occupational tables
  -   Newspapers and Periodicals
  -   Public Schools
  -   Illiteracy
  -   Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes


Report of the Mortality and Vital Statistics of the United States, Pt. 1. Statistics of Deaths by States, Principal Cities, etc.
Census Bureau PDF file
Report of the Mortality and Vital Statistics of the United States, Pt. 2. Statistics of Deaths by Locality, Cause, etc.
Census Bureau PDF file
U.S. Documents C3.14:880/11 and 12 (reclassed from I11.5:11 and 12)
* Most tables have 1880 statistics only; the first table has 1860-1880 data
  -   State and 50 Principal Cities Tables
  -   Chinese and Indian tables
  -   Causes of Death
  -   Morbidity or Sick Rates
  -   Births, Birth Rates, and Life Tables
  -   Ages of Living Population


Report of the Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes of the Population of the United States
Census Bureau PDF file
U.S. Documents C3.14:880/21 (reclassed from I11.5:21)
* Contents: Statistics at various geographic levels on
  -   Insane
  -   Idiotic
  -   Blind
  -   Deaf and Dumb
  -   Homeless Children
  -   Paupers
  -   Crime


Compendium of the Tenth Census, Pt. 1
Census Bureau PDF file
Compendium of the Tenth Census, Pt. 2
Census Bureau PDF file
U.S. Documents C3.14:880/23 and 24 (reclassed from I11.2:C73/2
* Contents: Statistics at various geographic levels on
  -   Population
  -   Agriculture
  -   Manufactures
  -   Power Used in Manufactures
  -   Mining
  -   Railroads, Steam Craft, Canals, Telegraphs, and Telephones
  -   Occupations
  -   Fisheries
  -   Foreign Parentage
  -   Areas, Dwellings, and Families
  -   Alaska
  -   Life Insurance
  -   Fire and Marine Insurance
  -   Valuation and Taxation
  -   Public Indebtedness
  -   Newspapers and Periodicals
  -   Public Schools
  -   Illiteracy
  -   Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes
  -   Mortality


From the 1870 Census forward, the number of published volumes grew each decade. A comprehensive list of all these volumes is beyond the scope of this guide that focuses on the volumes addressing population and housing topics.