NC State University Libraries Guide to Census Data Resources - Provides links to online and other electronic data sources.
US Census Bureau PDF publications


Questionnaire, instructions, and table headers
* Questionnaire description and Instructions to Marshals and Assistants - from Measuring America (Sept. 2002)


Statistics of the Population of the United States
Census Bureau PDF file
U.S. Documents C3.14:870/1 (reclassed from I10.5:1)
* GEOGRAPHIES:   Nation, States, Territories, Counties, Civil Divisions less than counties
* CONTENTS:   Presents 33 tables on various topics:
  -   Population, 1870-1790, for States and Territories for White, Colored, Free colored, Slave, Chinese, and Indian
  -   Population by County for the same groups
  -   Population by Civil Divisions of counties for White and Colored (1870-1850), and Native and Foreign (1870)
  -   Nativity at various geographies
  -   School attendance and Illiteracy, various geographies
  -   Schools, 1870-1850, various geographies
  -   Libraries, 1870-1850
  -   Newspapers and Periodicals, 1870-1850
  -   Churches, 1870-1850
  -   Pauperism and Crime, 1870-1850
  -   Areas, Families, and Dwellings, various geographies
  -   Sex and Age compilations, various geographies
  -   Persons in Occupational classes, various geographies


Vital Statistics of the United States
Census Bureau PDF file
U.S. Documents C3.14:870/2 (reclassed from I10.5:2
* Contents: Statistics at various geographic levels on
  -   Mortality
  -   Blind, Deaf and Dumb, Insane and Idiotic
  -   Births in 1870
  -   Sex
  -   Age


Compendium of the Ninth Census
Census Bureau PDF file
U.S. Documents C3.14:870/4 (reclassed from I10.2:C73
* Contents: Statistics at various geographic levels and years on
  -   Population, with Race
  -   Nativity and Nationality
  -   School Attendance and Illiteracy
  -   Schools, Libraries, Newspapers, and Churches
  -   Pauperism and Crime
  -   Areas, Families, and Dwellings
  -   Sex, and School, Military, and Citizenship Ages
  -   Occupations
  -   Blind, Deaf and Dumb, Insane, and Idiotic
  -   Wealth, Taxation, and Public Indebtedness
  -   Agriculture
  -   Manufactures

From the 1870 Census forward, the number of published volumes grew each decade. A comprehensive list of all these volumes is beyond the scope of this guide that focuses on the volumes addressing population and housing topics.