NC State University Libraries Guide to Census Data Resources - Provides links to online and other electronic data sources.
US Census Bureau PDF publications


Questionnaire, instructions, and table headers
* Questionnaire description - from Measuring America (Sept. 2002)
* Table headers - from Seventh Census of the United States, 1850 (I8.5:1)


Census for 1820
Census Bureau PDF files
U.S. Documents C3.14:820/v.1 (reclassed from I5.5:1)
* GEOGRAPHIES:   Nation, states, Territories, Counties, Parish, Township, Town, or City
* CONTENTS:   Sex, Age, Foreigners not naturalized, Slaves, Free colored persons, All other persons except Indians not taxed
* For Free White Males and Females, reports the number of persons under 10, 10-15, 16-25, 26-44, 45- ; for Males the number of those 16-17 is recorded
* For Slaves and Free colored persons, sex and age groups are reported:   under 14, 14-25, 26-44, 45-