2020 Census Resources

2020 Census

2020 Census

The US Census Bureau conducts a complete count of the population only once every ten years, and it is vital that you and everyone else gets counted.  Within academia, we all depend on accurate population and demographic data for many of our research projects. 

The following 2020 Decennial Census resources may be used to better understand the Census.

The Census Bureau is working to get an accurate count of students who live on campus in Residence Halls, but are temporarily living elsewhere during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Please see this press release for more information.

Researchers should be aware that the Census Bureau is planning to use a process called "Differential Privacy" to add greater data privacy protection to 2020 Census data releases.  Some presentations and articles that describe this new method are Census staff presentation, NC Data Center presentation and document, and Science Magazine.

Census Data for Research

Our Census website will help you find and understand Census data from the past, and current American Community Survey estimates.  Please contact us if we can assist you further.
