Spanish Animal Health Information Resources (Recursos sobre la salud de los animales)

Sobre esta Biblioteca de Medicina Veterinaria William R. Kenan, Jr.


Recursos COVID-19 (en español) de la Biblioteca de Medicina Veterinaria


General Veterinary and the Veterinary Team (Sobre el equipo veterinario)

Selección de Mascotas (Choosing Pets)

Basic Care and Procedures (Lo Basico)

Infectious Disease in Dogs and Cats (and some in Humans)

Preventing Animal Bites and Preventing Zoonotic Disease  in Humans

Other Conditions and Procedures

Euthanasia and Death

Horse Health Issues (Salud de caballos)

Home Safety and Accident Prevention

Emergency Preparedness and Sheltering


Working with Animals

Overall Resource Pages

Online Reference Manuals

Spanish or Bilingual Animal Health Books at the NCSU Libraries

We also have bilingual and multilingual medical and scientific dictionaries, as well as online learning resources such as Transparent Language for improving your comprehension of spoken Spanish.

Contact the Veterinary Medicine Library for support with exploring any of the options and resources mentioned above, materials in other langauges, or other questions you might have.