Specialty Board Reading Lists

The specialty board reading list pages are under construction. Please contact the appropriate veterinary academy for their updated reading list. If you need help finding materials or have questions, please contact us at libraryvetmed@ncsu.edu.

If you're preparing for veterinary board examinations or veterinary technician specialty exams, NC State Libraries can provide you with access to relevant resources. Linked below are curated book lists based on the official reading lists that will show you where to find print and eBook copies of reading materials. 

These lists are not meant to replace the official reading lists. It's the candidate's responsibility to ensure they use the latest reading lists as distributed by the recognized specialty academies. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the library staff at libraryvetmed@ncsu.edu.


Veterinary Board Examinations

Veterinary Technician Specialty Examinations [Coming Soon]