Research at the VML

This guide is designed to introduce you to the resources and services available at the Veterinary Medicine Library to help you succeed at every step of your research lifecycle.


  • Grants & Funding
  • Find Collaborators


  • Research Impact
  • Outreach


  • Open Access
  • Copyright Center

A circular diagram showing Funding, Planning, Searching, Analyzing, Publishing, and Promoting


  • Research Consultations
  • Systematic Review Guide
  • Data Management Services


  • Expert Search Strategies
  • Tripsaver
  • Systematic Review Guide


  • Data Management
  • Citation Management
  • Covidence

Funding & Planning

The VML and the NC State University Libraries can help you develop your research project. Our Grants & Funding department offers everything from proposal writing assistance to help meeting the needs of funding agencies. You can also request a consultation at any phase of your research, and VML librarians will answer your questions, or introduce you to our expert colleagues across the Libraries. If you are beginning a comprehensive review, the VML has tools and expertise that can help you get off to a good start.

Searching & Analyzing

Our expert library professionals can help you refine your search strategies, no matter how complex. Request a consultation today for one-on-one assistance. If your search turns up materials that we do not have access to at NC State, our Tripsaver team will scour the globe to bring books, articles and more to your fingertips. Whether you need help managing clinical data or a list of references, the VML can connect you with expertise and tools in Data Management, Citation Management, and more.

Publishing & Promoting

Even after your research is done, the VML can help you get your work published and can be an instrumental part in measuring and increasing the impact of your research. The Libraries' Publishing and Copyright center can consult on rights management questions, and we can help you navigate your options for Open Access. Our Research Impact and Metrics team can show you how to maximize the impact of your work, and can provide guidance when it comes time to communicate the level of that impact to others.

Veterinary Research Tools and Resources

Research in veterinary medicine can present its own unique set of challenges and opportunities, and the VML staff is prepared to work with you through the whole process. In addition to scheduling a consultation, we maintain a subject-specific page of databases and other resources, as well as a curated collection of clinically relevant electronic resources.
