NC State Cloud Services

NC State's OIT hosts a Cloud Services support team who are available to help you plan for and assess cloud resources to support your research. NC State has adopted a hybrid cloud strategy that also relies on local data center resources. Current preferred cloud service providers for whom terms and conditions have already been reviewed and agreements with NC State reached include:

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Microsoft Azure

The Cloud Services team can assist with:

  • Easy and accelerated cloud on-boarding process
  • Security (authentication, secure landing zone, logging and auditing)
  • Consulting and best practices
  • Connectivity to Cloud providers
  • Billing and cost management

Who is eligible?

All NC State affiliates

Is there a cost?

Consultation is available to NC State affiliates at no cost. Additional services may incur costs as applicable.


Consultation regarding cloud services for a project or onboarding an existing project to the cloud can be requested through the Cloud Service Request Form.