
CloudBank is an NSF-funded service provided by the University of California, San Diego, the University of Washington, and the University of California, Berkeley, designed to help the computer science community access and use public clouds for research and education. CloudBank delivers a set of managed services aimed at simplifying access to the public cloud.

CloudBank’s principal aim is to broaden access to and the impact of cloud computing across research and educational domains. In service of this aim, CloudBank produces outreach and training materials and provides “on-ramp support for mitigating cloud adoption pain points, including managing costs, translating and upgrading research computing environments to an appropriate cloud platform, and learning cloud-based technologies that accelerate and expand research.”

Who is eligible?

  • PIs with an active Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) award through NSF
  • PIs submitting proposals to other CloudBank-eligible NSF solicitations
  • Modest resources may be made available on a non-competitive basis to support community purposes such as classes, workshops and training, and hosting of community datasets

Is there a cost?

Usage beyond exploratory work within CloudBank Champions allocations requires payment. CloudBank provides a Cost Estimation Calculator to help you budget for potential expenditures.


For more information about CloudBank, please contact the RFS to be connected with a Campus Champion.