Content Types

Content types in Drupal are exactly what the name sounds like: a particular type of content. Each content type has its own set of fields and a template for displaying nodes of that type. 

When you're creating new web content, it's likely to fit into one of our pre-established content types.

Your Drupal account is probably able to edit some, but not all, of these content types. If you are trying to edit something and aren't able to, email Web Team for help.


Content typeDefinitionHow it's used
Book pageBooks have a built-in hierarchical navigation. Use for guides and other sets of related pages.

The page you're on right now! Each page in our Web Style Guide is a Book page.

Our subject and format guides also utilize Book pages.

BuildingInformation about our library buildings, including Hill, Hunt, and the branch libraries.Example
DepartmentLibraries departmentsExample
DeviceDevices are individual machines that the Libraries have. This collection includes the Tech Lending devices. If you need to edit a device and aren't able to, email Web Team.Example

Experiences, conversations, talks, movies, etc. usually planned by Director of Events & Programs.

If this is an instruction session, it should be a Workshop.

If this is static display content that users can interact with anytime during a set number of days, it should be an Exhibit.

Example, Detailed Documentation
ExhibitExhibits are any installation or exhibit at the Libraries.Example
FAQFrequently Asked QuestionsExample
Focus MagazinesCatalog of Focus MagazinesExample
Library HoursSet the operating hours of a library service.Our Hours pages are built using many individual Library Hours content nodes.
Library StoryWork with External Relations to create a narrative about innovation or collaboration at the Libraries. Should tell a story, not just be a document or report.Example
NewsUnlike Stories, has an element of timeliness and often alerts users to something happening at/about the Libraries. We have several different News categories. Work with External Relations to create a Main News item.Example
PageGeneric content type for a webpage without structured data.Example
ProjectShow off work you've done to our patrons and peers at other libraries. If you spent time on it and there is a result, it counts as a Project in Drupal. (The Web Content Team reviews new Projects before they can be published publicly.)Example
SemesterSet the date range of a semester.Used as part of the Hours application
ServicesA Library Service is an entity maintained within a library. An example would be Special Collections, The Creamery, etc.Used as part of the Hours application
SoftwareSoftware available to library patrons though the Libraries.Example
SpaceAny physical space in our various buildings.Example
Technology CategoryCategories of technology being lent.Example
Tech Showcase ExhibitsAn exhibit displayed in the Lawrence & Ella Apple Technology Showcase.Example
Vacancy AnnouncementThis content type is used by Personnel Services for listing available positions.Example
WebformCreate a new form or questionnaire accessible to users. Submission results and statistics are recorded and accessible to privileged users.Example
WorkshopInstruction sessions. Usually taught by Libraries staff and held in a Libraries space, but may be taught by a guest instructor and/or held outside the Libraries. Usually requires registration.Example


Next: Uploading PDFs
