Distance Learning Services for Faculty

We are committed to providing full library services to students, no matter where they are or how they take classes. We help faculty find ways for their students to use library resources effectively. If your students can't come to the libraries, the libraries will go to them.

Home delivery for books. Web delivery for articles.

The Tripsaver distance learning delivery service is designed to support your students without the expectation that they can come to campus to check out books. We also make it easy for them to get their hands on any articles they need, all for free.

The Libraries has a course guide for every course at NC State

If you use Moodle, you will find in your course's Moodle site a default block linking to the Libraries' course guide for your course. You can also look up your course's page in the Libraries' course guides system if you'd like to link to it directly.

Library Instruction

Librarians are available to offer library instruction sessions (teaching your students how to use library resources) via various delivery options, including through Blackboard Collaborate (synchronous online classroom) and visits to off-campus locations. For more information, please contact Anne Burke.

Films in distance education courses

DELTA Instructional Services

DELTA supports instructional tools such as Moodle, Mediasite, and Blackboard Collaborate; consults with faculty about putting courses online, instructional design, website design, and project planning; and offers learning technology workshops.