Data visualization

What is data visualization?

Data visualization is the representation of your data through graphical techniques such as tables, charts, plots, maps, infographics or even animations. Visualization can help you tell a story with your data, distilling large amounts of information and often complex relationships into easily comprehensible narratives.

Visualization is usually a later step in the research data lifecycle, after data have been generated or gathered, cleaned or normalized, and analyzed. Well structured and normalized data can greatly benefit data-driven analysis, research and storytelling.

There are many tools to help with visualizing your data:

  • Tableau helps you create and share interactive charts and graphs, maps, and dashboards
  • Plotly provides online graphing and stats tools for individuals and collaboration, as well as scientific graphing libraries for Python, R, MATLAB, Perl, Julia, Arduino, and REST
  • Raw is an easy-to-use open web app for creating visualizations using D3.js

Vischeck and Chromatic Vision Simulator let you check your visualization for colorblind safeness.

Data visualization at NC State

The Libraries are an excellent resource to help with data and visualization needs, including help with data wrangling, cleaning and analysis, access to software to support GIS and other data visualizations, and immersive spaces to help you share your data visualizations with the NC State community.

Learn more training opportunities through the Libraries' Data and Visualization Services 

Available services or resources