NC State University Libraries, Data & Visualization Services

The Data & Visualization Services department (DVS), located in the University Libraries, offers collaboration space, computing resources, and support for anyone in the NC State community working with data, creating visualizations, using geospatial methodologies, or employing new digital methods and approaches. 


DVS staff can help with:

  • Finding Data
  • Wrangling data
  • Analyzing Data
  • Visualization
  • GIS
  • Text and Data Mining


In addition to consultation services, DVS has a robust schedule of community programming covering a range of data science topics. For a list of current DVS workshops please visit their website.


The Libraries is home to two data services hubs, the  Data Experience Lab (DXL) in Hill Library and the Dataspace in Hunt Library. Both locations contain computing stations and licensed software, and are staffed by Data Science Consultants who are available to answer questions. Additionally, the Libraries hosts several spaces with tools to help you visualize your data and showcase your work.

Who is eligible?All NC State affiliates
Is there a cost?No

There are several ways to contact DVS, including: