Style guide for the style guide

Short descriptive blurb, if necessary. Pages should be split into short sections that are easy skim. This template page is an example of other style guide pages.

Use an active phrase in heading 2

Short explanation. Keep explanations to a brief paragraph. Remember, content editors will be checking this guide quickly on their way to creating or revising something great — don't slow them down!

Some sections may benefit from realistic do and don't examples:

Please don't:

  • Include real examples that seem like you're calling out a colleague
  • Include examples when just a short explanation will suffice

Please do:

  • Include real or realistic good examples
  • Include examples if the point needs to be illustrated

Accessibility tips with explanations should be sprinkled throughout the guide. For instance, to some content editors, there's no obvious reason why alt tags are necessary. Include a short accessibility explanation in instances like these.

