The Future of the Hill Library: Comprehensive Study

In 2022–23, as the university was developing its Physical Master Plan, the D. H. Hill Jr. Library Comprehensive Study was led by architectural firm Perkins & Will to "set in place a road map for physical space strategies to support the continued delivery of exemplary library services." 

This study makes recommendations based on three distinct factors driving change:

  • the changing role of libraries;
  • increasing enrollment; and
  • existing conditions that limit the library’s ability to deliver services and experiences.

Read the Study

Hill Comprehensive Study, NC State University, December 14, 2023. Perkins & Will

Read about the study's process, vision, and budget projection for the future of the Hill Library.

View the PDF (136 pages, 60MB)

Appendices: Vol. II and Vol. III

Comprehensive Study Committee Members

The following Vision Statement was developed in consultation with university stakeholders and helped to guide the work of the study.

The future D. H. Hill Jr. Library will be a welcoming place to connect individual learners and the academic community, the campus, and the world.

A journey through the library will reveal accessible resources for experiential learning, data-informed scholarship, personal well-being, and the services supporting academic success and civic readiness.

The Library will be the preferred center for interdisciplinary collaboration. It will inspire creative thinking. It will nurture a culture of experimentation. It will be a human-centered pathway between knowledge acquisition and its application in the service of society. 

The place to Think & Do.

(Vol. I, page 16)