Databases featuring "Demographic/census data"

Statistics about state, regional, or national population groups that report population data such as age, location, income, etc.

  • ESRI business analyst online - Esri Business Analyst Online (BAO) is a Web-based solution that makes custom site evaluation and market analysis fast and easy....
  • Euromonitor Passport GMID - Euromonitor International's Global Market Information Database (GMID) is an online business information system providing business intelligence on industries, countries, and consumers....
  • ICPSR: Inter-university consortium for political and social research - Established in 1962, the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is a membership-based organization, with hundreds of member institutions (
  • Mintel reports: USA - Offers research reports covering European, UK-specific, and US consumer markets....
  • Social explorer - "Social Explorer is an online research tool designed to provide quick and easy access to current and historical census data and demographic information....
  • UNdata - Statistical time series for countries from around the world covering a wide range of economic and socio-demographic topics....