Technology Lending Guidelines

Borrowing privileges, fines and other relevant information regarding technology lending and circulation guidelines can be found in the other pages of this section.

General guidelines regarding devices borrowed through our technology lending service:

  • Most devices are available on a first come, first served basis. Some devices are by-request only, such as Kindles.
  • Only one of each item type may be borrowed at a time (e.g. only one laptop, one calculator, etc).
  • You can borrow most devices by asking at the Ask Us centers at the D. H. Hill Jr. and Hunt Libraries, or at the Branches.
  • Exceptions to borrowing terms and advance requests may be granted on a limited basis by request only for academic or research purposes.
  • If a fire alarm sounds and you are unable to return the device before you evacuate, please take the device with you and return it when you reenter the building.
  • The use of this device comes at no cost to you, unless returned late. However, in the event of loss or damage during your borrowing period, you will be responsible for covering both the replacement cost of the item and any associated processing fees.
  • Library devices are intended for university-related use, in accordance with NC State's Computer Use Policy.