
The Friends of the Library of North Carolina State University are pleased to present a special lecture by John Balaban and Geoffrey Clifford on Vietnam: A Journey of the Heart, on Thursday, February 17, 2005, at 4:00 p.m.

Location: Assembly Room, Second Floor, East Wing, D. H. Hill Library, NC State University.

There will be a musical performance featuring the dan tranh, a Vietnamese stringed instrument.

Books will be available for sale.

Free and open to the public. Wheelchair accessible.

Clifford's photographs of Vietnam contrast timeless pastoral scenes with views of a modern culture. Exhibit scriptwriter and NCSU Poet-in-Residence John Balaban collaborated with Clifford on the book Vietnam: The Land We Never Knew (1989), a project that inspired the exhibit. The exhibition will remain on display through March 6, 2005, on the mezzanine of the D. H. Hill Library.

For further information, call the Friends of the Library at (919) 515-2841, or visit the Friends' Web site.