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Images of Marye Anne Fox in her professional life
Professional Life 


Marye Anne Fox in the lab Marye Anne Fox became an Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Texas at Austin in 1976. From 1976 to 1978 she acted as a consultant, again in air pollution analysis, for the Texas Air Control Board. Dr. Alan J. BardHer work in Austin was championed early on by Dr. M. J. S. Dewar, Fox with Dr. M.J.S. Dewarwho held the first Robert A. Welch Chair in Chemistry, and Dr. Alan J. Bard, who held the Hackerman-Welch Regents Chair in Chemistry at UT Austin.



Marye Anne Fox teaching In 1980, the Sloan Foundation awarded the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship to Fox. Selection for this honor is extremely competitive. The foundation considers top scientists at research universities early in their careers, in the fields of chemistry, economics, mathematics, neuroscience and physics. They usually review some 400 nominations per year before selecting 90 Fellows. The Sloan Research Fellowship carries a grant of $30,000 to be used in an unrestricted manner to support the Fellow's research.  The same year Fox was also recognized with a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award.


Marye Anne FoxFox was promoted to Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Texas at Austin in 1981. The following year, she served as a U.S. Delegate - Observer to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) General Assembly, Leuven, Belgium; Electrochemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry, Photochemistry.  The IUPAC serves to advance the worldwide aspects of the chemical sciences and to contribute to the application of chemistry in the service of Mankind.  Fox continues to serve as a consultant in these years, working notably for the Polaroid Corporation in organic dyestuffs and semiconductors.



Marye Anne Fox in India1984 was a pivotal year for Marye Anne Fox.  She traveled to India as a senior scientist with the U.S. - India Exchange Program.  She served as a delegate with the U.S. - Japan Program of Cooperation in Photoconversion and Photosynthesis.  She was an organizer of a symposium on Organic Photoreactions in Nonhomogeneous Media, for the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society and the Inter-american Photochemical Society.  She began a term on the Executive Committee of the Organic Division, American Chemical Society, and one on the Advisory Board for the Committee on Recommendations for US Army Basic Research.

Marye Anne Fox was featured in this issue of Then in December of 1984, Esquire Magazine cited her as one of "The Best of the New Generation - Men and Women Under Forty Who are Changing America."  The national magazine noted her pioneering work in the field of organic photoelectric chemistry. Her research in photo-induced electron transfer, which examines how light energy behaves in molecules, has uses in solar energy study and environmental chemistry.  The magazine observed that Fox "may well have laid the groundwork for the solar powered car."  Quoted in 1984 in her hometown paper the Canton Repository, Fox stated that such an event was "unlikely to (occur) until the year 2000," and remarked that "what we're trying to do is devise ways that solar energy can be stored in chemicals, then at some later time be released. . .  It's basic research.  Even if the chemistry came to be understood, you would need delivery systems and an association of systems for manufacturing  the materials needed."




Award Plaque In 1985, Fox was made a full professor of  organic chemistry at the University of Texas.  The next year she was bestowed with the Teaching Excellence Award by the UT College of Natural Sciences, a testament to her often noted commitment to the classroom.  Much has been made of the fact that Fox insisted on Marye Anne Fox in Beijing, 1985 returning to teach her chemistry classes at UT just one week after her second son, Michael, was born in 1976.  But as her colleague Steven Monti, who agreed to teach her classes while she was on maternity leave, told the Raleigh News and Observer in April, 1998, "this was not something she did to impress anybody, this was just how she thought things should be done."  According to the N&O, her students at UT also consistently performed above average in her classes.



In 1986 Fox began to serve a five-year term as Director of the Center for Fast Kinetics Research, and was  named Rowland Pettit Centennial Professor at the University of Texas that same year. She was also the Vice Chairman of the Gordon Research Conference at Plymouth State College.


Marye Anne Fox inducted into the Hall of Excellence, OFICFox's mother is perhaps most proud of her daughter's induction, in 1987, into the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges' Hall of Excellence.  The Foundation,  which provides scholarships to Ohio students entering and independent college, inducts alumni who have distinguished themselves in their fields.  Fox shared the honor with Senator John Glenn and Rear Admiral Benjamin T. Hacker, among others.



Fox receiving the Garvan MedalOn June 5, 1988, Marye Anne Fox was awarded the prestigious Garvan Medal by the American Chemical Society.  The medal is presented each year to "recognize distinguished service to chemistry by women who are citizens of the United States," and recognized Fox for "her very original and significant contributions to organic photochemistry and electrochemistry, in particular photocatalysis of organic reactions by wideband semiconductors, chemically modified photoelectrodes, and the photochemistry of organic anions."

On December 27, 1988 Fox, along with E. Smotkin and A.J. Bard, was issued a patent for "A Multielectrode Photoelectrochemical Cell for Unassisted Photocatalysis and Photosynthesis."  [U.S. Patent 4,793,910]


Award CertificateIn 1989, Marye Anne Fox was one of nine chemists to receive the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society.  The award carried an unrestricted research grant of $15,000.  Fox was also a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University.




Marye Anne Fox and Jim Whitesell


Marye Anne Fox married fellow University of Texas chemist James Whitesell in Jamaica in 1990.  For the next couple of years her professional activities had a particularly international flair.  She was awarded the  Medallion for Contributions to Photographic Sciences by the Institute of Chemical Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow.  She served as Convener for the  "Symposium on Solid State Photochemistry" sponsored by the American Society for Photobiology in Vancouver, British Columbia, and began a six-year term on the International Organizing Committee for the Conferences on Photochemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy.  Fox was also busy on the home front, serving as Science Advisor for the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, as a panelist on the "Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research" for the Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy at the National Academy of Sciences, and on the Solar Fuels Research Division Research Review Board at the Solar Energy Research Institute.


reception announcementIn 1991, Marye Anne Fox became the first University of Texas chemist to hold the M. June and J. Virgil Waggoner Regents Chair in Chemistry, a position she retained Marye Anne Fox being sworn in at the National Science Foundation until coming to NC State in 1998. She also received the Havinga Medal from the Gorleaus Laboratoria der Rijksuniversiteit in Leiden, The Netherlands and served on the International Scientific Planning Committee, Satellite on "Electron Transfer,"  at the 7th International Congress on Quantum Chemistry in  Marseilles, France.  She became a Scientific Advisor for the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, and was appointed by fellow Texan, President George Bush to the National Science Board, which establishes policies for the National Science Foundation.  The 24-member board oversees the funding for basic scientific research, awards scholarships and fellowships, and fosters international scientific exchange.  Fox served on the board for five years.


In 1992, Marye Anne Fox traveled to Paris as a Professeur Inviteé at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie. She served on the US Committee of the International Union of Pure and Applied Marye Anne Fox and Jim Whitesell with Governor and Mrs. Bush of TexasChemistry (IUPAC) Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry; she began a two-year term on the Subcommittee on Federal Funding for Chemistry and a three-year term on the Committee on Science, both for the American Chemical Society. She began to serve on the Governors' Executive Board for the Texas Science and Mathematics Renaissance Centers. She began on ongoing term of service on the Commission on the Future of the National Science Foundation, and was named an Outstanding Alumna by her alma matter, Notre Dame College of Ohio.



American Association for the Advancement of Science letter In 1993, Marye Anne Fox traveled to Taipei, Taiwan as a Visiting Professor in the Chemistry Research Marye Anne Fox in Taiwan Promotion Center of the National Science Council. She served as a Scientific Reviewer for the National Center for Science Education, and was on the Steering Committee on High School Science Education for the Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources at the National Research Council. She was also named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on February 14, and became Chairman-elect of the AAAS Chemistry Section that same year.




Marye Anne Fox signing the register for the National Academy of Sciences 1994 was another extremely momentous year for Marye Anne Fox. Most notably, Fox was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, one of only 101 women historically to have been so esteemed, and one of only 85 women out of an active membership of 1,710. "I'm very flattered and honored," Fox said at the time. "It's a very prestigious group, all of whom are very highly accomplished. It's an honor to be asked to join their number." Fox was further venerated in 1994 when she was named a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the oldest traditional academic societies in the United States. She also received a D.Sc. degree (Honoris causa) from Notre Dame College, and served on the Secretary of Energy's Advisory Board, the Taskforce on Alternative Futures, for DOE National Laboratories.

The second of Fox's three patents was issued on July 5, 1994, for "Reversible Electro-Optical Information Storage in Uniform Photoconductive Thin Films," with Chongyang Liu, Horng-long Pan, and Allen J. Bard. [U.S. Patent 5,327,373, International PCT/US93/07821]

Marye Anne Fox, Jim Whitesell, and Mary Ann Rankin, Dean of Natural Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin, at the Houston Livestock and Rodeo show.Marye Anne Fox at the South PoleAlso in 1994, Fox was promoted to the newly created position of Vice President for Research at the University of Texas, where she became the highest ranking woman administrator in the University. She was given the opportunity to design her own position, and she allowed that 25% of her time be devoted to continuing with her research. As Fox commented to the UT Faculty Women's Organization, she looked forward to the challenge to "identify forward-looking research opportunities that (would) forge new partnerships among the University community, industry, and state and federal government agencies."

In December Fox visited Antarctica as part of her involvement with the National Science Board.


Fox continued to be active on the National Science Board, serving as the chair of the Nominations Committee for White House Recommendations for the NSB Class of 2002, and as the co-chair of the NSB Taskforce on Funding of Graduate and Postgraduate Education. Marye Anne Fox visiting a Texas classroomHer time in Washington has provided Fox with experience invaluable to her as chancellor of a major research university. The Commission on the Future of the National Science Foundation, of which Fox was a member, published a report, "A Foundation for the 21st Century: A Progressive Framework for the National Science Foundation" in 1992, which addressed the challenges facing public and private scientific organizations. The Board acknowledged the necessity of adequate funding for research, and for a broader vision regarding the connections between the nation's economic strength and its policies toward scientific development. The report also stressed the need for interdisciplinary cooperation and the support of the public in order for the NSF to fulfill its obligations. Marye Anne Fox in military fatigues. Remarking that "society's voice is welcome and needed," the report further stated that "a major priority of the NSF and the NSB should continue to be education in science and engineering.  NSF's support of education has a cascading influence. The foundation should be at the leading edge of ever-emerging improvements in curricula and methodologies of teaching and training for research."

On June 13, 1995, a third patent was issued to Marye Anne Fox, with Chongyang Liu, Horng-long Pan, and Allen J. Bard for "Optoelectric Memories with Photoconductive Thin Films." [US Patent 5,424,974]


Marye Anne Fox received another high honor in 1996 when she was elected to the American Philosophical Society. The APS was formed in 1743 by Benjamin Franklin with the lofty pursuit of affording its members "all philosophical Experiments that let Light in the Nature of Things, tend to increase the Power of Man over Matter, and multiply the Conveniences or Pleasures of Life." Marye Anne Fox reviewing science fair projectsThe Society now boasts more than 700 members prominent in the arts and sciences community. Fox also received Sigma Xi's Monie A. Ferst Award for "notable contributions to motivation and encouragement of research through education."

Fox also began a term on the Executive Committee of the Council of the National Academy of Sciences, and she chaired the NAS Committee on Undergraduate Science Education. She served on the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and became a Member-at-Large of the AAAS Section on Chemistry. She served on the International Organizing Committee of the International Conference on TiO2 Photocatalytic Purification of Water and Air, and on the Council on Chemical Sciences with the U.S. Department of Energy. Fox was also a member of the Texas Board of the Environmental Defense Fund until her arrival in North Carolina in 1998.


Organic Chemistry by Marye Anne Fox and James K. Whitesell - textbook In 1997, the first edition of Organic Chemistry by Marye Anne Fox and James K. Whitesell appeared. The popular textbook included a CD-Rom which displayed moving 3-d images of molecules, giving students a more realistic picture of molecular behavior. It was translated into several languages and was expanded into a second edition in 1998.

Fox served on the Secretary of Energy's Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee in 1997, and Cleveland State University conferred the degree of D.Sc. (Honoris causa) upon its former student.


Marye Anne Fox is installed as NC State's 12th chancellor.North Carolina State University announced that Professor Marye Anne Fox accepted the position of chancellor on April 9, 1998. Fox, the first woman to lead the Marye Anne Fox joins the band.state's premier science and technology university, continues to impress faculty, students, administrators, and staff with her energetic style and genuine interest in the people of North Carolina. She is a visionary who recognizes the strengths of NC State and stresses the university's commitment to excellence in education, research, and service. Dr. James Oblinger, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, remarked "to say she hit the ground running would be an understatement. Her Back Home tour presented her with an opportunity to see North Carolina and experience the influence of NC State." Dr. Larry Tombaugh, Dean of the College of Forest Resources, noted "Chancellor Fox has brought a fresh perspective to NC State, a refreshing 'let's-get-it-done' attitude, and an enormous new energy level. She has also enabled us to attract Dr. Kermit Hall as Provost. As they work together, these two people could well develop into the most dynamic academic leadership team in the United States."

Marye Anne Fox in field.In April, the university attracted Lucent Technologies to it's progressive and imaginative Centennial Campus. In a press conference announcing the partnership, Fox, an enthusiastic supporter of Centennial Campus, stated:

The real excitement at our university takes place when our most talented and best people, ideas and technology come together with that of industry and government to enhance the development of dynamic new products, innovative solutions and better service, while educating students to be work-force ready, Centennial Campus provides an unparalleled environment for this to happen. Our alliance with Lucent will be critical to the university's mission of offering a state-of-the-art curriculum that provides our students with real-world applications.

Fox is a community leader and has become a part of numerous local and national organizations since arriving in North Carolina such as:Chancellor Marye Anne Fox

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