Video: Introduction to Statistical Analysis in R - a Peer Scholars Workshop, with Dr. Melissa Whatley

The dataset for this workshop can be downloaded from Click on "Show More" below for instructions on downloading R and R Studio.

R is an open-source statistical software program that is commonly used in both academic and non-academic settings and across many disciplines. This workshop will introduce participants to the object-oriented R environment and to basic functions in R. We will learn how to write and run code, load, manipulate, and use data in R, run basic statistical models, and install packages for more advanced analyses. Additionally, workshop attendees will become familiar with RStudio, an open-source set of tools designed to increase R productivity. This workshop is intended for participants with no previous knowledge of R or RStudio.

Prior to watching the workshop, participants should do the following:

1. Download R ( (Please download from the CRAN server that is closest to you geographically.)
2. Download RStudio ( (Please download the first option, RStudio Desktop, which is free and open source.)
3. Open both programs and make sure they work (note that R must be installed before RStudio will function.)

This video is a recording of Introduction to Statistical Analysis in R, November 8, 2019