Video: Introduction to Agents-Based Modeling - a Peer Scholars Workshop, with Morgan DiCarlo and Elizabeth Ramsey

We live in an increasingly complex and interconnected world, where the actions of a few individuals (e.g. Instagram influencers, terrorists, and anti-vaxxers) can have drastic impacts on their environment. Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) is a powerful tool to help understand how individual decisions and social pressures influence system outcomes by simulating the actions and interactions among players in an environment. Applications range broadly, from understanding consumer markets to analyzing infrastructure failures to exploring ancient military  campaigns. In this talk, two members of the Sociotechnical Systems Analysis Laboratory at NC State provide an overview of their experiences with ABM and the theoretical concepts behind this modelling approach, including Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS). Viewers will learn about different applications of ABM and how to identify research questions for which ABM is an appropriate approach.

This video is a recording of Introduction to Agents-Based Modelling: Workshop, September 11, 2019