Nellie Maurer

Name Pronunciation

(neh·lee moor·er)


She / Her

Shout-outs From My Colleagues

Nellie is great about finding ways that she can help when there is a need. Last week, when Molly was on vacation, we needed someone else with a p-card to begin candidate arrangements for hotel/flights for an upcoming interview. I asked Nellie, and I let her know that I was a little concerned that I would forget to do something that Molly would normally remind me to do :) Nellie ended up not only making the candidate arrangements, but she also created a spreadsheet for Molly and me too use upon their return so that we wouldn't be confused about what had already been done/not done. Thanks, Nellie, for always helping out and keeping me organized! -Laura

— Laura Blessing

When Patricia Butler left the Libraries in July, Nellie took on a large amount of her workload on an interim basis. Note that she was doing this in addition to the other interim responsibilities she had already taken on due to Jennifer Garrett's old position being vacant. This all happened at a time when the university was changing many of their HR procedures due to COVID and related restrictions on hiring and other HR actions. Nellie developed new flowcharts and forms for various new HR procedures including the multiple changes that occurred in student employment. Now Nellie is assisting in the training of Maria Muresan (our new Patricia!) and helping to get things ready for Tarida Anantachai, our new Director of Inclusion & Talent Management. We really would be lost without Nellie. I'm so happy to have her on our team!

— Laura Blessing

It's hard to put into words all that Nellie does and how valued she is! For as long as I've had the immense privilege of working with her, she has always gone above and beyond to ensure that we are supporting current and future colleagues with the utmost respect, care, and also key - fun & friendly joy! Over the last 1.5 years of COVID, Nellie has only done MORE and more excellent work - taking on key roles like serving as search manager, moving/creating materials and communications for the virtual environment, really perfecting our use of Zoom for interviews, and so so much more! Nellie never hesitates to offer help and support to all her colleagues and is always willing to expand her knowledge and take on new responsibilities in support of our organization. It's beyond accurate to describe her as holding everything together :-) I am continually learning from Nellie, laughing about random things with her, and just feel so thankful to call her a colleague!

— Jennifer Garrett