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Searching the Metcalf Literature Collection Database

Search Results

For each item retrieved, the search results may include the following elements: (1) Metcalf's unique identifier (in bold face) for the work--consists of author’s or authors’ last name(s), date [year of publication for nomenclatural purposes], and a letter suffix; (2) full names of the author(s); (3) date [year of publication]; (4) title; (5) book title; (6) journal title abbreviation [links to detailed journal information]; (7) book publisher; (8) place of publication; (9) volume and pagination; (10) figures; (11) plates; (12) annotations [in square brackets]; (13) cross-reference links; (14) Special Collections call number(s).

Items are displayed alphanumerically based on their Metcalf identifiers, however, those beginning with a lower case initial letter, such as "da Fonseca 1926a,” “de Laporte 1832a," and von Schreber 1759a,” will appear at the end of the display.

An asterisk after the Metcalf's identifier indicates that the item is not held in his collection.

Metcalf's bibliographic citations for books sometimes did not indicate the publisher, place of publication, or full pagination. For many such books held in Metcalf's collection, this information may be obtained from the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN) or WorldCat , which also lists holding libraries.

As with any electronic search, DrMetcalf is likely to miss some relevant items and retrieve others that the user considers irrelevant. Where completeness is desired, we urge researchers to explore a number of search terms and search strategies, as well as other bibliographic databases for biology, zoology, or entomology. Metcalf’s extensive catalogues provide a chronological list of relevant references for every included family, subfamily, tribe, genus, and species. The DrMetcalf database is based on his bibliographies and associated card files, not on his printed catalogues.