Shout-out for Beatrice Downey

Beatrice Downey

Over the past year, Beatrice Downey has worked to wrangle the Libraries' 150+ (and growing) videos in order to improve the browsing experience for users and the organization experience for staff. During the first phase of this project, Bea went through all the existing videos and categorized them by topic. She was always receptive to feedback and suggestions from stakeholders along the way. Once the videos were appropriately categorized, she added desired features like a search bar and a "sort by" dropdown. The resulting page ( is a great improvement for users and library staff alike!
After she had brought order to the videos page, she turned her attention to our old tutorials and interactive guides page. She worked with others in the User Experience Department to rebrand that page as a Learn on Your Own page ( I'm particularly excited about the opportunities this page will afford us to continue to present non-video asynchronous learning materials to our community!
Thanks so much, Bea, for your dedicated efforts toward this project!

- Anne Burke, Jan 9, 2024