Shout-out for Amir Blair, Elan Sandler

Amir Blair, Elan Sandler

Early last summer, Amir reached out to learn about how (or whether) the Libraries had done any targeted outreach to University Athletics to support student athletes with their academic research needs. To my knowledge (and the memories of others he consulted) we had not been making any direct outreach to student athletes. Understanding that with their often tightly prescribed schedules, athletes may not be able to easily engage with the Libraries services, Amir reached out to the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes to find out how we could better support them. Elan joined the Libraries shortly after Amir made his initial inquiry and was on board by the time they heard back. Since then, Elan and Amir have met with staff in the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes to discuss student athlete support needs, and piloted several drop in library consultations hours at the Case Academic Center during Fall semester exams, with plans to do more during the Spring Semester. Kudos to them both for seeing an unmet need, and bringing awareness of library support to student athletes!

- Anne Burke, Jan 5, 2024