Shout-out for Tessa Minchew

Tessa Minchew

Tessa Minchew from A&D has been a critical player in making mountains move when it comes to pulling all of the critical pieces together for ensuring our students and researchers have access to much-needed journals and databases. Tessa acts as a bridge between collections and technical services, customer service reps and their legal teams, campus accounting, and campus procurement. Along with her insight and ability to span issues of discovery, user experience, licensing, and access, she brings wit and genuine optimism, making her an invaluable collaborator and ambassador for the Libraries. And she does this all with grace and humor. Who doesn’t look forward to one of Tessa’s emails catching us up on the gritty issues of a license negotiation or platform downtime with embedded cute pictures of kittens?

- Hilary Davis, May 7, 2021