Shout-out for Silvia Sheffield

Silvia Sheffield

About 5 months into our shift to working differently, a bunch of positions were vacated in both the Collections & Research Strategy (C&RS) Dept and in the Research Engagement (RE) Dept. In addition to Oliver Morris who has generously given his time, creativity, and energy to C&RS (check out his Shout-Outs!), another person has really delivered her expertise and leadership to both RE and C&RS. That person is Silvia Sheffield, who not only stepped in to fill needed responsibilities within RE and C&RS, but also continued to fulfill her role at NRL. Silvia has contributed significantly to the ongoing development of RE as a department in goal-setting and pursuing actions related to our goals; she's helped Alexa create an assessment plan for instruction, workshops, and consultation; she has expertly facilitated our meeting culture in both RE and C&RS; she is helping Emily triage tons of streaming media requests from faculty; she jumped in to help triage researchers' requests on writing their data management plans for grants. And that's just the tip of the iceberg! Silvia has been integral in taking steps to enhance accessibility to collections, improving library communication via Sirsi notifications, leading ongoing discussions on improving inclusion, equity, and diversity in our work across the library, etc. I'm grateful to Silvia for sharing her skillset and her knowledge so broadly.

- Hilary Davis, Mar 25, 2021