Shout-out for David Serxner, Barbara Weinberg, Beverly King, Julia Reynolds

David Serxner, Barbara Weinberg, Beverly King, Julia Reynolds

I have to give a shout-out to my new Citation Index CV service team. We lost a few student workers to graduation and senior projects over the break and we needed some folks who could quickly get up to speed on ingesting and cleaning metadata from faculty CVs. Like the metadata pros that they are, Barbara Weinberg and David Serxner stepped in to help and Beverly King stepped in to help train by providing quality control reviews of the metadata. Even Julia Reynolds, who is an honorary member of A&D, has helped us out with tackling this work to support our faculty all while she is still supporting our on-site operations. I couldn't ask for better partners in this work as their attention to detail and desire to serve our students, staff and faculty show through in every step. Thanks CI CV service team!

- Beth Ashmore, Mar 16, 2021