Shout-out for Isaac Pomper, Ashton Reddish

Isaac Pomper, Ashton Reddish

The Veterinary Medicine Library's team of Library Technicians have been running the day-to-day in-person operations of the VML since Day 1 of the pandemic. With both of our librarians strictly limited to working from home due to at-risk family members, we have relied on Ashton and Isaac to make sure the VML is open, welcoming, and safe for all of our patrons. They have been 100% reliable and have creatively solved problems and improved our service model. Not to mention coordinating the installation of our Smart Locker technology with colleagues all across the Libraries! I'm sure that these two already feel thanked, since Peggy and I thank them just about every day, but I wanted to make sure all of the Libraries knew how grateful the VML (and the CVM) are for them!

- Dave Provost, Mar 16, 2021