Partnership to Advance Throughput Computing (PATh)

The Partnership to Advance Throughput Computing (PATh) is an NSF-funded partnership between the Center for High Throughput Computing (CHTC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Open Science Grid (OSG) that is designed to address the needs of the growing community of researchers using distributed high throughput computing (dHTC) to advance their inquiry.

In contrast to the opportunistic approach taken by the OSG’s OSPool, PATh manages dedicated compute resources and storage capacity for researchers with high throughput computing (HTC) workloads. These resources are funded by NSF and are accessible via the PATh credit account system.

Who is eligible?

  • PIs interested in including requests for HTC resources in regular proposal submissions to eligible NSF programs (list available here)
  • NSF PIs with active awards supported by eligible NSF programs (list available here)

Is there a cost?

Users are not directly charged, but PATh operates on a credit account system sponsored by the NSF.


  • Contact PATh support staff at credit-accounts@path-cc.iowith questions regarding PATh resources, using HTC, or estimating credit needs
  • If you’d prefer to start by discussing with someone at NC State about whether your research might be a good fit for PATh resources, please contact the RFS