The Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem Services and Support (ACCESS) adopts a decentralized model for access to NSF’s cyberinfrastructure ecosystem. ACCESS aims to improve upon and expand the work of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE).

ACCESS facilitates the use of national resources for research computing, in addition to providing support and training. Resources and services provided through ACCESS are available at no cost, and funding is generally not a criteria for the use of ACCESS. Researchers may apply for tiered computing allocations based on the scale of their computing needs.

ACCESS in brief

Who is eligible?Most ACCESS resources are available to any researcher or educator at a U.S. academic, non-profit research, or educational institution.
Is there a cost?

There is no fee for using ACCESS resources, and use is not predicated on researcher funding.

ACCESS resources are allocated through a credit system, wherein credits translate to computer hours or GB (in the case of data storage resources). The number of credits you are allocated will be based on the size of the project allocation you have requested.

ContactFor more information, please visit the ACCESS website or contact the RFS.

More details

Why use nationally allocated resources like those offered by ACCESS?

Community resources allow researchers to take advantage of some of the large-scale computational and data resources that have been funded by the wider scientific community. These resources provide some unique opportunities for computational capabilities and methods that may not be available at NC State or not available in sufficient quantity to enable your research.

How do I get started?

  1. Create an ACCESS account.
  2. Explore the resources and select an ACCESS tier that fits your needs.
  3. Prepare a short proposal and submit a request for an allocation.
  4. Request to convert your ACCESS allocation award to the resource provider.

Contact the RFS at any point with questions about the ACCESS allocation process or which resources might be appropriate for your research.

What are the basic eligibility requirements for ACCESS resources?

ACCESS allocations are available to any researcher or educator with the following conditions:

  • Employed at a U.S. academic, non-profit research, or educational institution.
  • A U.S.-based researcher with multiple affiliations may use any of their affiliations including adjunct, instructional, or any official position.
  • Postdoctoral researchers may serve as the P.I. on any type of allocation.
  • Graduate students may serve as PI on Explore allocations under the guidance of their advisor.

What kinds of resources does ACCESS have available?

A full list of allocated platforms and services is available via the ACCESS website, but see below for a brief overview.

ResourceHost InstitutionUse cases
Jetstream2Indiana UniversityCloud computing, GPU compute, Data storage
OokamiStony BrookMulticore compute
RockfishJohns HopkinsMulticore compute, GPU compute
DeltaNational Center for Supercomputing Applications (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)Multicore compute, GPU compute, Data storage
Open Storage NetworkOpen Storage NetworkData storage
Anton2Pittsburgh Supercomputing CenterMolecular dynamics research
NeocortexPittsburgh Supercomputing CenterAI discovery and Deep Learning research
Bridges-2Pittsburgh Supercomputing CenterMulticore compute, GPU compute, Data storage
AnvilPurdueMulticore compute, GPU compute
ExpanseSan Diego Supercomputer CenterMulticore compute, GPU compute, Data storage
VoyagerSan Diego Supercomputer CenterAI discovery and Deep Learning research
Stampede3Texas Advanced Computing CenterMulticore compute
ACES/FASTERTexas A&M UniversityWorkflows that can benefit from multiple GPUs or novel accelerators
DARWINUniversity of DelawareMulticore compute, GPU compute, Data storage
Open Science PoolOpen Science GridHigh throughput workflows