
A versatile video exhibit format created for immersive projection spaces.


Videorama is a self-running, continuous presentation of multiple simultaneous video sources. When the program begins, videos from a playlist are loaded from left to right around the room and begin playing. When each video ends, the next file in the playlist loads in that player. The playlist loops indefinitely.

Videorama was originally developed in 2015 as a pre-show for the A/V Geeks events in the Teaching and Visualization Lab at the James B. Hunt Jr. Library. For these, clips from films from A/V Geeks collections (and similar collections) were used, in conjunction with the theme of each evening’s event. Some of these themes included science, space, experiments on human subjects, drugs, agriculture, eating, and workplace accidents.

Videorama was adapted for the Visualization Studio at the D. H. Hill Jr. Library for a Halloween event in 2021. This version featured clips of suspenseful scenes in horror movies and for the first time included source audio for each clip, which was “positioned” in the room by targeting specific speakers in the 7.1 surround array.

This is an ongoing project that will be adapted for future special events and exhibits in the Libraries.

How We Did It

This project utilized the immersive display technology in the Libraries and was facilitated and supported by Libraries staff.

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