Student Experience Survey: Fall 2023

Students rated our spaces highly and had positive things to say about Ask Us staff members.


We sent a survey about a variety of topics to students in November 2023. There were 59 participants (undergraduate and graduate students). Here's what they told us.


Students like our spaces! Out of 59 responses, 86% of students were somewhat or very satisfied with our spaces. 

23 were very satisfied, 28 somewhat satisfied, 5 neutral, 2 somewhat unsatisfied, and 1 very unsatisfied
Responses to question: Overall, how satisfied are you with Libraries spaces?

Some quotes from respondents:

  • “I feel much more productive while at the library and like I am being given a very relaxing, nice place for my studies.”
  • “I love that there are a variety of different spaces offered in both libraries, like there's cozy spaces here and there, spaces with silly different chairs, and spaces for more quiet work.”
  • “My biggest gripe with the library spaces is that it's sometimes impossible to get a study room or a spot on a public access computer.”

Favorite spaces

When asked about their favorite spots, respondents mentioned 23 unique spaces! Here are the top three:

  • Study rooms (Hill and Hunt Libraries): “I feel like I have my own beautiful office.”
  • Learning Commons (Hill or Hunt Library): “Love the computers and spaces to study there.”
  • Bookstacks: “Great solo study space!”

Students had other comments about favorite spaces:

  • Makerspace (Hill Library): “It's nice to have a creative outlet in the center of campus.”
  • Special Collections Reading Room (Hill Library): “It reminds me of Harry Potter. [It has] orange toned lighting that calms me and is quiet and just overall perfect.”

We also asked about students' least favorite spaces. Interestingly, respondents’ top two least favorite spaces—the Bookstacks and the Learning Commons—were also in the list of most favorite spaces. This highlights the benefit of having diverse spaces to serve students who have a wide range of preferences and needs.

Study rooms

When asked about study rooms:

  • 88% of respondents were somewhat or very satisfied with the study rooms in the Hill Library.
  • 86% of respondents were somewhat or very satisfied with the study rooms in the Hunt Library.

Getting help

When asked how they received help from someone at the Libraries, 43 out of the 55 respondents who answered this question said they’d sought in-person help from the Ask Us desk. They only had positive things to say, such as:

  • “Everyone at the Ask Us desk is always friendly and helpful.”
  • “Every time I contacted them, the experience was wonderful because they help me with my issues and questions.”

We asked respondents what they would do if they wanted to learn a new skill at the Libraries, such as computer programming or sewing. Out of 53 respondents:

  • 58% said they would search the Libraries website for relevant books or tutorial videos
  • 53% said they would attend a Libraries workshop
  • 30% said they would make an appointment with a Libraires expert

What students wish they’d known about earlier

In response, these were the things students mentioned most often:

Other responses included popular reading materials, study spots in the Hill Library’s west wing, and the book scanners.

What students want more of

These were the things respondents mentioned wanting more of most often:

  • Study rooms, particularly individual focus rooms for studying or Zoom calls
  • Quiet areas that are enforced

How We Did It

We sent a survey about a variety of topics to our participant pool of 185 students in November 2023. This “grab bag” survey included questions from multiple Libraries staff members. There were 59 participants (undergraduate and graduate students). We randomly selected 3 respondents for the prize, a $25 Panera meal delivery.