Room Reservation System

A web-based user interface for viewing availability and reserving student and faculty spaces in the Hill and Hunt Libraries.



The Room Reservation interface is a PHP application that allows campus users to view and reserve study and work spaces at the D. H. Hill Jr. and James B. Hunt Jr. Libraries. It is a responsive Web UI that integrates data from the EMS reservation system with descriptive content from Drupal nodes. Users interact with a grid view to see availability, review room details and policies, and to select and reserve spaces. Spaces can be filtered by library building, space use types (e.g. digital media production, music rooms, group study), and user access levels (e.g. student, graduate student, faculty). Space descriptions are structured nodes in the Libraries Drupal CMS.

Calendar of room availability
Reserve a Room interface in January 2018

Update: As of summer 2024, the Room Reservation system now uses the Mazévo system, not EMS.

How We Did It

The visual and interaction design are based on a series of user research conducted by staff in the User Experience department and the Web Team. We used an agile/iterative design process with continuing testing and refinement throughout. Coding and development were done by staff in the Information Technology department. Ongoing product improvement and testing is managed by a product management team made up of public services and IT staff.


