Endeca at the NCSU Libraries

An online catalog interface that leveraged advanced search and the Guided NavigationⓇ capabilities of the Endeca ProFind™ platform to provide a fast and flexible search interface to catalog records.


NC State's Endeca catalog was first-of-its-kind library implementation of a faceted search interface. The Endeca ProFind™ platform interoperated with NC State Libraries’ online catalog in order to improve discovery via rich content. Specifically, it relied on faceted searching - a technique that combines traditional textual searching with browsing in the same interaction. Once a user submitted a search, the Endeca navigation engine returned not only the resulting records with their catalog properties (title, author, etc.) but also all available, potential refinements (facets). By providing this information in a single location, users gained access to customized relevance ranking, enhanced natural language searching, and increased browse-ability all with a faster response time.     

Our Endeca catalog was retired in 2019 and replaced by the TRLN Discovery platform. 

How We Did It

NC State Libraries’ Endeca catalog was an implementation of the Endeca Information Access Platform Guided Navigation software. The Endeca software creates a “navigation engine”, which responds to search queries utilizing an API that communicates with Libraries’ SirsiDynix (then, Unicorn) MARC database. The Libraries created a servlet-based Java web application that used URL parameters to construct the user's query, send that query to the Endeca navigation engine, and display the results. The application server used Apache and Tomcat. Java Beans were used to parse holdings-level results data into easy-to-use objects for the jsp files that actually produce the resulting web pages. Nearly every feature on the results list page was enabled using Endeca's pre-defined URL parameters, including sorting results and paging through result sets.

Since Endeca was not a library-specific application, NCSU Libraries created and applied extra logic to enable correct sorting for Library of Congress call numbers. The first LC call number for a title was identified as the sorting call number. A Perl script then added padding to this sorting call number to create classes. Only the first 1-3 letters and the following decimal number for the class number were used to create the class number. A similarly padded LC hierarchy existed at the backend to create call number ranges that align with the classes. When padded, the call numbers sorted correctly using Endeca’s default ASCII alphabetical sort.



