Dryad Repository Development Grants

Past project: Development of a repository initially focused on evolutionary science data underlying scientific publications. 


Initially funded by NSF from 2008-2012 and again from 2015-2017, Dryad was a joint project of NESCent and the UNC Metadata Research Center, with North Carolina State University participating as a development partner, along with the University of New Mexico, and Yale University, focusing on creation of a repository for data underlying scientific publications, with an initial focus on evolution, ecology, and related fields. Today, Dryad allows investigators to share and discover research, explore new analysis methodologies, repurpose the data for research questions unanticipated by the original authors, and perform synthetic studies such as formal meta-analyses.

How We Did It

Primary development of the Dryad repository, based on a moderately customized DSpace instance, and the data submission interface was conducted by the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center. NC State helped to migrate the repository and codebase to the NC State University Libraries' production Solaris infrastructure. NC State also supported data replication systems to ensure integrity and persistence.


  • Staff profile photo
    Steve Morris
    Former Associate Director for the Digital Library