Collection Views

A tool created using collections data to help the Libraries understand how resource expenditures relates to subjects of relevence to different departments and colleges at NC State.


The aim of Collection Views is to use data to help us understand how our expenditures on resources relates to subjects of relevance to different departments and colleges at NC State. To do this we mapped departments and colleges to subject codes associated with collections purchases. This enables us to view our expenditures on resources in terms of college and department demographics, such as faculty head counts, number of PhD's awarded, as well as undergraduate and graduate enrollment. This is another tool to help us understand and assess our collecting priorities.

How We Did It

Collections spending data were collected from the Libraries' Acquisitions department. College and department data were provided by NCSU's Office of University Planning and Analysis. The data is stored in the MySQL database and accessed through a web interface built with PHP and Google's Visualization API.


  • Staff profile photo
    Hilary Davis
    Former Department Head, Collections & Research Strategy
  • Staff profile photo
    Cory Lown
    Former NCSU Libraries staff member