CatalogWS Applications

Applications using the CatalogWS API.


These applications use the CatalogWS Web API to query the North Carolina State University Libraries Catalog and display the returned data in a variety of formats.

  • New Books RSS — New titles for your catalog search via RSS
  • Catalog Results QS Module — Integrated catalog results in Library Quick Search
  • MobiLIB catalog — Search the catalog on your mobile device
  • New Books Bookwall (eboard) — Book cover visualization of new library books
  • New Faculty Books (webeboard) — Books authored by NC State Faculty
  • FacetBrowser — An advanced faceted browsing interface to the catalog
  • Catalog Google Gadget — Search the catalog within your iGoogle page
  • OpenSearch interface (xml) — Catalog results via OpenSearch

How We Did It

These applications are built on the locally developed CatalogWS platform. These applications serve a variety of functions including special purpose catalog interfaces and self-updating resource lists.


  • Staff profile photo
    Markus Wust
    Former Digital Research and Scholarship Librarian