Amazon Kindle

How can I borrow this device?

Request to borrow this device. Please allow one weekday (Mon–Fri) for request processing.

How long can I borrow it?

2 weeks

About this device

Amazon Kindle e-readers are available for checkout by request. If the requested title is available, the device checks out for two weeks, with one renewal allowed. 

You will have access to nearly 500 other titles from our collection!  Feel free to browse the device’s full library once you've finished the title you requested. Collections vary between devices, so not all Kindle titles owned by NC State will be available on every e-reader. It’s a bit like browsing the bookshelf of a good friend!

*NC State University Libraries is not purchasing additional Kindle titles. If you can't find a desired title in our existing Kindle collection, you can request a physical copy through our Tripsaver service.

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