Coffee & Viz - Exploring Galactic Origins Through the Webb Space Telescope

Friday, April 21, 2023
9:30am to 10:30am

This event is part of the Coffee and Viz event series.

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Deep sky image of the J0100+2802 field


Friday, April 21, 2023
9:30am to 10:30am


Teaching and Visualization Lab, Hunt Library

About This Event

The images coming back to Earth from the recently completed James Webb Space Telescope have captivated the world, showcasing our universe in breathtaking detail. Join us in this talk to learn more about how scientists are using the Webb telescope to explore and expand our understanding of the cosmos. No registration is required, though seats are on a first-come basis. 


Dr Rongmon Bordoloi is an observational astrophysicist studying galaxy evolution. He is particularly interested in understanding how galaxies form and evolve, by studying the cycling of baryons into and out of galaxies. He is an expert observer, who routinely uses  multi-wavelength spectroscopy and imaging (both from the ground and space) to study the galaxy baryon cycle. Dr. Bordoloi works closely with theorists who use numerical simulations to study galaxy formation. This close interaction with theorists help in interpreting his own observational results and in constraining different theories of galaxy evolution. He also works on topics related to the formation of the first galaxies, observational cosmology, and the Fermi Bubbles.

Contact Information

Shaun Bennett


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