Unboxing the archives: Halloween Spooky Spectacular

Thursday, October 20, 2022
3:00pm to 4:00pm

Pulp magazine covers

Pulp magazine covers


Thursday, October 20, 2022
3:00pm to 4:00pm


This event will be livestreamed on the NC State University Libraries YouTube channel.

About This Event

We excavate some of the spookier and more supernaturally inclined materials in our collection, including a 16th-century text by French jurist Jean Bodin, De la démonomanie des sorciers (Of the Demon-mania of the Sorcerers) from 1580. One scholar has described the text this way: "Presented as a witch-hunting manual, it identifies and describes the typical witch, the associated crimes, the subsequent legal procedures required for the prosecution of witchcraft and the punishments appropriate for the witches’ crimes."

View the live stream on the Libraries YouTube Live page.



Open to the public.


If assistive technology, live captioning, or other accommodations would improve your experience at this event, please contact us. We encourage you to contact us early about this to allow sufficient time to meet your access needs.