NC State High Performance Computing (HPC) Services

NC State's High Performance Computing cluster, Hazel, is available through the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and provides entry and intermediate level computing resources and consulting support for research and instruction. Hazel is an excellent option for mid-size computational projects where datasets have grown too large to reasonably process on your personal machine or when you need to repeatedly run analysis scripts (extremely large projects are probably best served using higher capacity community infrastructure).

To help users get started with Hazel, OIT has made available both a Quick Start Tutorial via the HPC website and a more in-depth workshop (requires Shibboleth authentication) that is accessible through REPORTER.

Some important links regarding HPC resources:

Who is eligible?
  • NC State faculty members can request one HPC project for research, and an additional HPC project for course instruction; Directors of Core Facilities or other university group leaders may request an HPC project
  • Graduate students, postdocs, and other collaborators must be added to a project by the faculty PI
  • Undergraduates or non-thesis master's students who are not working in a research group with a faculty advisor, and not registered for a course using HPC may request trial access through an arrangement with the NC State University Libraries
  • UNC Greensboro faculty, staff, and students may request an account on Hazel at no charge
  • For further details on accessing HPC services at NCSU, please visit the OIT HPC website
Is there a cost?There is no cost associated with use of the Hazel cluster; however, charges may be incurred relative to the amount of university research storage used by the project.
Grant support

Should you need to account for the use of NC State HPC Services in your contract or grant proposal, boilerplate text is available to help describe the current cluster.