Coffee & Viz: Infrastructures of Oppression: Mapping Racism in the Built Environment

Friday, November 18, 2022
9:30am to 10:30am

This event is part of the Coffee and Viz event series.

Grid of images of data visualizations


Friday, November 18, 2022
9:30am to 10:30am


Teaching and Visualization Lab, Hunt Library

About This Event

This presentation features research produced in Spring 2022 in DIY Cartography, a graduate-level research seminar at NC State’s College of Design led by Professors Tania Allen and Sara Queen, which examines the history of racism in our built environment. The featured maps highlight the structural disparities of today overlaid with patterns of confederate memorial erection to expose a palimpsest of institutionalized racism.

As part of a public reckoning with the legacy of infrastructures that perpetuate racism across America, there have been loud calls for dismantling the 2,474 confederate memorials scattered across the landscape. Using data compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Allen and Queen began mapping attributes of the memorials, then used GIS, RAWGraphs, Tableau, and Adobe softwares to overlay memorial data with diverse measures of physical, societal, political, and economic structures that manifest and support systemic racism and ongoing oppression with aims to spark discussion and initiate change.

This event is part of GIS Week at NC State.

*Complimentary coffee, tea and light refreshments from local business Anisette will be available beginning at 9:15 a.m. in an adjacent space. To help increase the sustainability of this program, please bring your own coffee mug.

Featured Speakers

Contact Information

Karen Ciccone


Free and open to the public. Please register.


If assistive technology, live captioning, or other accommodations would improve your experience at this event, please contact us. We encourage you to contact us early about this to allow sufficient time to meet your access needs.