Stream walkers celebrate Earth Day

a group picture of stream walk participants

The Community Service Committee held an Earth Day stream walk on April 22 to clean the Libraries’ adopted stream on Centennial Campus. Libraries staffers walk this stream twice annually to check up on its health and to pick up any trash.

This special Earth Day stream walk produced only about 25 pounds of trash. This may be our smallest clean yet, but we are proud of how far the area has come. We went from finding housing insulation and tires to just a few bottles and smaller debris. For this fall, we may attempt a new area farther downstream for anyone that wants to join us for the next clean-up!

Participating were Justin Haynes, Katelan Haynes, Jordan Booth, Shaun Bennett, Atticus Bennett, Kristen Wilson, Rhea Hebert (all pictured), Anthony Booth, and Cooper Booth.