Math, Art, Kung Fu and Having Fun No Matter What You Do

Thursday, October 21, 2021
4:00pm to 5:00pm

This event is part of the Making Space event series.

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Photo of Dr. Melinda Thielbar

Photo of Dr. Melinda Thielbar


Thursday, October 21, 2021
4:00pm to 5:00pm



About This Event

Dr. Melinda Thielbar will take you on a whirlwind tour of her varied career and talk about how the skills she built at each step led to the next. From the day a college recruiter told her she was bad at math, to the minute she walked across the stage for her PhD in Statistics, you'll learn how to enjoy where you are today and not let it stop you from leaning into where you want to be next. She'll also discuss how to know when it's time to change direction and how to take what you've learned with you to the next step. Melinda will illustrate each step with artwork (art is one of her hobbies) and a math equation, showing how each can be used as a communication tool and that there's no reason to be afraid to try either one. 

Dr. Thielbar will also be leading a free workshop (open to all students) on visualization, using comic book art to communicate something you want to explain. She'll help you work through the steps to create your own masterpiece. Register for the workshop here.


Melinda has a PhD in Statistics, extensive experience in software development, and a lot of interesting hobbies. She's worked in all kinds of industries, including fraud detection, building power systems for Navy ships, and Hollywood script consulting. She currently works at Fidelity Investments as a Data Scientist and expert in AI Ethics. She teachers art classes in her spare time, and yes, at one time she also wrote children's books. Don't try to label her. She doesn't like it, and she knows kung fu.

Please register here, to participate in the event.

Contact Information

Marian Fragola


Free and open to the public. Please register.


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