CDC Stacks

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"CDC Stacks is a free, digital archive of scientific research and literature produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This online archive is composed of curated collections tailored for public health research needs. This repository is retained indefinitely and is available for public health professionals, researchers, as well as the general public. CDC Stacks provides access to current CDC research and literature such as the Open Access Collection. In addition, CDC Stacks offers a historical perspective that was previously not available, such as the first 30 volumes of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. As a fully-featured repository, CDC stacks provides the ability to search the full text of all documents, browse journal articles by public health subjects, and explore the curated collections of documents on relevant topics. Additional collections and ongoing additions to existing collections are planned for the future."--About US page caption.

This database is recommended for research in these disciplines:

Biomedical Engineering Human Medicine