Call for abstracts for Rabb Symposium on AI & Society

Call for abstracts for Rabb Symposium on AI & Society

The AI & Society Group at NC State is seeking abstracts for presentations for its annual R. L. Rabb Symposium, which will be held online Feb. 18-19, 2021 on the topic “Embedding AI in Society.” The symposium is free and open to the public.

The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday, Dec. 4, 2020, and authors will be notified by Friday, Jan. 15, 2021 if they are invited to present their research at the symposium. 

The AI & Society Group invites submissions of extended abstracts of up to 1500 words from researchers from any discipline whose work relates to the social, political, and ethical dimensions of AI. The focus can be on conceptual or empirical work. Four themes are of particular interest:

  • Integrating ethics into AI decision making
  • Safety with and from AI systems
  • Providing transparency and respecting user privacy in data analysis
  • The future of employment in the age of AI

We interpret these themes broadly to include many types of applications of AI across multiple domains, including but not limited to autonomous vehicles, healthcare robots, policing algorithms, and AI personal assistants.

"Artificial intelligence applications are already increasing exponentially, but our cultural means of ensuring that they work for the good of society will require much more dialogue across disciplines,” says Darby Orcutt, Assistant Head of Collections & Research Strategy at the Libraries, and member of the symposium planning group. “Our hope is that NC State's 2021 Rabb Symposium will be an important step in connecting and fostering a shared community of expert stakeholders."

The extended abstract should describe the objective of the research, the main methods used, a summary of the primary evidence or arguments employed, and the overall conclusions or recommendations of the work. It should also indicate the perceived relevance to the issues of AI and society and the focus of the symposium. Please include 3-5 keywords, and up to two figures may be included if these are necessary to relate the main points of the paper.

Please submit your extended abstract, prepared for anonymous review, as a PDF file to the organizers at If you have any questions, please contact the organizers at the same email address. Submission information is also available on the symposium site.