Orientation to Design Research: Advanced Resources

This advanced orientation is intended to get graduate students started on library research. It covers databases and resources design graduate students may find useful. You should have either done the basic orientation first or be familiar with the databases discussed in it.

The NC State University Libraries has many more resources and services available than are listed here. If you have any questions or problems, or need more help with your research, please don’t hesitate to contact Karen DeWitt, the Design Library staff, or the Ask Us service.

About Scholarly Resources

Before you start research, learn about peer review and literature reviews from these resources.

Peer Review Video

What is a Literature Review?

Literature Review Video

General Databases

Web of Science

Link to Web of Science instruction video

How to use the database (video)

Access database

Dissertations & Theses

Link to Dissertations and Theses instruction video

How to use the database (video)

Access database

Ulrich's Serials Directory/Ulrichsweb

Link to Ulrich's Serials Directory instruction video.

How to use the database (video)

Access database

Additional Design Subject Databases

Citation Management

The Libraries has resources for various citation management systems.

Additional Library Resources

Patents and Trademarks


Data and Visualization

Design Library Guide

The Design Library Guide is a quick guide to resources Design students may need.