Apply now for OPEN Incubator research development program

Power-up your research through its whole lifecycle

The Open Project Engagement Network (OPEN) Incubator program is designed to help you take your research projects from idea to proof-of-concept. Applications are being accepted now for the program, which will meet weekly during a spring session (March 23-April 24) or a summer session (May 11-June 8).

The application deadline is February 28. Applications are welcome from any researcher, at any level, from undergraduate to senior professor. Read about program details and apply online.

Participants will gain sustainable strategies to enhance their research workflow and produce research outputs that are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) through conversations with other members of the cohort, and individual consultations with researchers and information specialists in the library. Meetings will be 1.5 hours weekly. 

Participants in the OPEN Incubator will discuss concepts, resources, methods, and techniques that can help refine project directions. Topics that may be covered include:

  • Tools and infrastructure
  • Communicating scholarship and identifying impact
  • Publishing and collaborating

The OPEN Incubator program is facilitated through the Copyright and Digital Scholarship Center at the Libraries.

In efforts to promote a more open research culture, the NC State University Libraries will make available up to $1,000 to each participant at the completion of the program. More details about the program can be found on the OPEN Incubator’s webpage.